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Taking Care of a Pet
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Knowing how to take care of your pet is an important part of having a good experience and also making sure your pet is healthy and happy.
Here are some questions commonly used asking about pet care.
How often should we walk it?
Should we brush its teeth?
How much should we feed it?
How often do we need to clean the cage?
How often do we need to change the water?
How often should we brush it?
If you are asked any of these questions, here are ways that you could respond.
I have never done a nail trim.
Yes, I used to trim our dogs nails when I was growing up.
We should walk her every day. The Vet said it is healthy for her.
I think we should walk her as much as we can. It's good exercise for us too.
I will ask the Vet if we should brush its teeth.
Yes, I read it's good to keep their teeth clean.
The breeder said to feed her 1 cup two times a day.
I am not sure how much to feed her. Let's look on the food package.
We need to clean the cage once a week.
We should just change it once it starts to smell.
We need to change the water once a week.
We will just clean it once in a while.
We should brush her daily.
We only need to brush her once in a while.
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