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Married Life - Talking about a Friend

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Talking about a friends marriage
There are some terminologies used when a man is controlled by his wife. For example, if a friend cannot come out because the wife said no, or if he needs to get permission for everything, then these words apply to him.

Attached to a ball and chain - Ball and Chain refers to the wife. The ball and chain is the old type of device used to lock somebody up. You put a chain around the leg that has a large heavy metal ball attached to it so they cannot move.

Here are some example sentences:

"Ever since he got married, he has been imprisoned in his house. He never comes out anymore."
"Calling the ball and chain already? You've only been out for a couple of hours."
"You got to get that ball and chain off your leg man."
"It's obvious who the man of their house is."

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