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Body Parts - Body Area

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The body area

"I got a whiplash after the car accident."
"My father hurt his neck when he turned his head too quickly before sneezing."
"He has a big Adam's apple."

Adam's apple is the bump in the neck most common among guys.

"I've been getting chest pain recently."
"When I get asthma, it feels like someone is pressing on my chest and squeezing my lungs."

Asthma is a respiratory disease that makes it difficult to breath

"He bumped me on my shoulder as he was walking by."
"I feel like a big load has been taken off my shoulder."
"He has broad shoulders."
"Many girls like guys with broad shoulders."

"I want to get rid of the fat on my stomach."
"I have a beer belly."

Beer belly is a terminology used to describe a stomach that sticks out from excessive beer drinking.

"I get a stomach ache if I eat spicy food."
"I have an upset stomach."
"My stomach hurts."
"You must be hungry. I can hear your stomach rumble."
"I want a six pack."

Six pack is a terminology used to describe a flat stomach with six or eight lines showing the muscle lines. You can also use washboard, "His stomach is like a washboard."

"He hit me in the groin."

Groin is the area between the legs. It can also mean the crotch area, but crotch is more specific to the personal area, where groin can mean the general vicinity.

Vicinity means area

"I pulled my groin when I was doing sprints."

Sprint is running as fast as you can.

"She has such a big butt."
"Her butt is so flat though."
"If you go snowboarding, your butt will hurt the next day."

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