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How do you get along...

How do you get along...

This isn't a very popular question because it's hard to learn about the person answering. The answers are all going to be the same. It's just a matter of how you say it. Because there isn't anything exciting to say here, you should show friendly characteristics so it is believable. These answers can be short. It really doesn't matter how long the answer is but you have to make sure you show your friendliness through your voice.

"How do you get along with your subordinates?"

"My relationship with my directs is very good. They're very open and honest with me and I'm sure they feel they can come to me with any problems."

"How do you get along with your co-workers?"

"I've always had an easy time getting along with different types of people. So I never had a problem getting along with my co-workers. I consider many of them my friends."

"How do you get along with your superiors?"

"I've had my share of great managers and mediocre managers, but I've always gotten along with all of them very well. I've rarely had conflicts with them and if there was an issue, I always talked it over with them."

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