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If your supervisor tells you to do something that you believe can be done in a different way, what would you do?

"If your supervisor tells you to do something that you believe can be done in a different way, what would you do?"

This question is designed to see how you would react to your manager when you disagree. It is important to trust your manager, but at the same time, not follow blindly. That means I should ask questions to clarify, make suggestions, and after a discussion, follow the instructions of your manager. This is the steps I would take to answer this question.

Short Answers

"I will tell my supervisor of an alternate way and explain the benefits. If my supervisor is not convinced, then I'll follow his instructions."

"I'll suggest a different way of doing the assignment along with the benefits. If my supervisor disagrees and insists I do it a certain way, I'll follow the instructions."

"I'll suggest a different method and ask my supervisor if I can do this work the new way. If the result will be the same but would potentially save more time, then I believe my manager will allow it. However, if my manager wants it done a certain way for other reasons, I'll follow his or her instructions."

Long Answer

"I would question my supervisor why he or she wants it done this particular way. If I still don't agree with the method, I would suggest alternate ways of tackling the assignment and explain how my suggestion would be better. After having a good conversation, if we still can't see eye to eye, then I would have to trust my superior and follow his or her instructions."

This is a solid answer because it is showing independence by having my own suggestion and thought, it shows I can think for myself, and finally, shows that I would be an employee that trusts the supervisor. Ultimately, this answer shows that I'm a smart person willing to make adjustments. I'll take a moment here to clarify something. How does this answer show that I'm smart and a person willing to make adjustments? Well, many times, the interviewer will not see exactly what you want them to see. However, even if they don't see all your good intentions, they will at least get a good feeling about you through your solid answers.

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