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Are you a risk taker or do you like to stay away from risks?

"Are you a risk taker or do you like to stay away from risks?"

This also depends on the position. But in most cases, I believe someone who likes to take risks is a better candidate. If you choose to answer saying you are a risk taker, you should include why and how you take risks.

Short Answers

"I consider myself to be in the middle, but if I were to choose from my past experience, I would think I would call myself a careful risk taker."

"I'm reliable and believe in stability and guarantees. My work will be based on facts without assumptions or guesses, so I tend to stay away from risks."

"I think it's important to take some risks. I keep the options open and if the reward justifies the risks, I would definitely try. So I'm more of a risk taker."

"I take risks because through planning and working smart, it's possible to reduce some of the risk. So if there's a reasonable chance of success, I would take the opportunity."

Long Answer

"I see myself as a risk taker. But before taking the risk, I always evaluate all other options, weigh the pro's and con's of success and failure, and after careful consideration, I would definitely take a risk if the rewards were high enough. I view staying away from risks similar to staying away from a gold mine surrounded by dynamite. Of course if you don't know what triggers the dynamite, it would be unwise to take that risk. But if you study the situation and know the location of all dynamite and the way they are triggered, then the risk is minimized. Some people would not explore the options to reduce the risk, but I would definitely study each situation and take a risk that would improve my personal or company's situation."

You don't have to use the dynamite example. You can think of any other example. But I used this to clearly explain what I feel about taking risks. Not only did I choose to be a risk taker, but I also explained how and when I would take risks.

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