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Selling a Car

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There comes a time when you will need to sell your car. You may need a bigger one, or smaller one. You may want one less expensive or one that is better on gas. Make sure you research how much your car is worth as well as viable ways of advertising it before you attempt to sell.

Here are some questions commonly used when selling a car.

"How should I advertise my car to sell?"
"Should I fix any issues with my car before selling it?"
"Should I research how much it is worth before selling it?"
"Will I get more if I trade it in?"
"Should I be firm on the price I am asking?"

If you are asked any of these questions, here are ways that you could respond.

"There are many ways to advertise. You can use the newspaper, the internet, or even put a sign in it that says For Sale."
"I would advertise in a local car selling/buying magazine. A lot of people will see it there."

"You can fix any issues if you want. It might up the value of the car when you sell it."
"I would just be honest and inform people it has something wrong with it."

"Definitely research how much it is worth. That way you can be sure to sell for the right price."
"I would just sell it for what you owe on it. If you already own it then I might look up how much it is worth."

"I would try and trade it in if you are buying a new car."
"I would try and sell it, you will probably get more money for it."

"Once you find out how much it is worth, some people price cars at a higher price to try and make money."
"I would ask for more than it's worth, then you can lower the price and still get what you want."

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