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House Care

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Owning a home involves care both inside and out. Outside care can include yard work, window cleaning, insect and animal issues. Inside house care involves cleaning, washing, painting and upkeep. Below we can look at some of the questions and possible answers one might come across when dealing with house care.

House Care-Inside

Here are some questions commonly used when talking about taking care of your house from the inside.

"How often should I change the batteries in the smoke detectors?"
"How often should I change the air filter in the furnace?"
"Should I clean the house myself or look into hiring a cleaning company?"
"What should I use to clean my carpets?"
"What colors should I use to paint the inside?"
"Should I have one can for trash and one for recycling?"
"How should I decorate?"

If you are asked any of these questions, here are ways that you could respond.

"Some smoke detectors will beep loudly to let you know when the batteries are low."
"I would change the batteries every six months to be safe."

"You should change your filter every six months also."
"I am not sure, I just take it out and look at it. If it is dirty I replace it."

"Make time during the week to clean. It helps keep a clean environment and you can feel good about having a clean house."
"If you have the money I would hire a cleaning company. They do a good job and you can just relax more."

"For small stains I just use spot cleaner I purchased from the store, otherwise I rent a cleaner and do it myself."
"I usually hire a carpet cleaning company. They do a better job than I can do myself."

"I would go to a home improvement store and look at their paint colors."
"You could get some magazines and look for ideas."

"You should always recycle so I would have two cans, one for trash and one for recycling."
"You can just have one, it's less of a hassle."

"You could hire an interior decorator to help you decorate."

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